Picky picky picky!
How do you know when you are an exceptional student? When your teacher is always asking you for something new! You work hard at the shaping of a phrase so now your teacher requests that you add more rubato. You finally reach the metronome speed in your lesson book and your teacher comes up with a faster speed to reach. Bring out the melody even more! Play louder but with a velvety tone! Your piece needs to be more snappy but not too fast! Pay close attention to the pedalling! Tighten up the trills! More weight in this section!
Pickiness is a sign of an excited teacher who knows that you can accomplish more. A picky teacher means you are doing your job as a student.
How to get your teacher to be MORE picky!
1. Read your lesson book – complete the assignments your teacher has carefully listed. You want a new list the next week…not a repeat of the same instructions!
2. Experiment with dynamics and pedaling.
3. Ask questions
4.Do more than asked…if your teacher asks you to master the RH, do that but then work at the LH as well.
5. Be open to suggestions and criticisms from your teacher. It isn’t a personal attack, it is how you can become an even better musician! Little feedback means you are not ready for the next step.
Three cheers to you if you have a picky teacher! You are on the right track!!