Catchy music, fun characters and engaging activities for your toddler!
In the Sunrise program you can expect your toddler to learn the music words beat and rhythm, the italian terms for some basic musical concepts and how to recognize and read tonal as well a rhythm patterns. Sunrise students gain confidence by singing and offering substitution suggestions in class. Early learning concepts including counting to 10, right/left, fast/slow, loud/quiet are explored and reinforced through muscial activities. Class activities include, singing, dancing, finger plays, simple games, crafts, stories, listening activities, rhythm instrument play along and ensembles.
The Sunrise program was revised in 2008 to include 3 colourful characters Buddy Croak, Mellow Yellow and Buzz the Fly. These magical friends guide the children through patterns, dynamics, rhythm reading and instrument identification. While many of the old Sunrisefavourites were included in the new revision, you will find many new musical selections as well. The new program offers children exposure to a wide variety of music styles and flavours. A number of the songs found in the Sunrise manuals were composed by Aimee Rau of The Music Box. Sunrise is a parent participation program and is taught in three 10 week blocks.

Level 1 Fall – children receive a student manual (includes an activity section and a songbook section), a CD, Buddy Croak puppet and set of wooden claves (10 classes plus kit $140 per child)
Level 2 Winter-children receive a student manual, CD, Mellow Yellow puppet and a tambourine (10 classes plus kit $145)
Level 3 Spring– children receive a student manual, CD, Buzz the Fly puppet and a set of mini maracas (10 classes plus kit $145) Includes participation in the spring recital.
It is recommended that students complete all three levels of Sunrise in preparation for the Sunshine keyboard program.